23 Tips to Improve Your Axe Throwing Technique
Axe throwing is a fantastic activity that has become popular across the country. It’s safe, fun and exhilarating! From corporate parties and team building to small groups of family and friends, Axe Throwing is a unique experience the provides endless fun to all.

Axe throwing is a fantastic activity that has become popular across the country. It’s safe, fun and exhilarating! From corporate parties and team building to small groups of family and friends, Axe Throwing is a unique experience the provides endless fun to all.
Below you’ll find tips on how to improve your throwing technique. However, keep in mind that there is no one ‘correct’ way to throw. You can throw any way you like if it works for you! Just remember to keep an open mind and know that there’s always room for improvement.
Here are 23 tips to improve your Axe Throwing technique.
- When you pick up and grip the axe, have a firm grip, similar to how you would grip a baseball bat. A firm grip reduces the risk of the axe falling out of your hand before you are ready to release it.
- Don’t try to spin the axe. The axe should make only one complete rotation before hitting the board. In competitions, this is required for the throw to count.
- Keep your throw simple and repeatable. Extra motions can lead to inconsistencies.
- Keep your focus on your horizontal (left to right) accuracy, rather than your vertical.
- Maintain a solid stance. Whether you step forward or keep your feet planted, your footing should be stable and balanced. An unsure stance starting out means correcting your balance when you begin your throw.
- Have your final throw position right at the 12-foot line. Every inch back from that line requires an increased angle for your throw trajectory.
- When throwing, make sure that the axe isn’t rotated to the left or the right. It should be perfectly straight when released.
- When practicing, focus on consistency. Even small changes can produce dramatically different results.

- Be aware of your grip and your release point when throwing.
- Have a consistent starting point for your setup. This will help control speed, tilt, and wobble as well as reduce your margin of error.
- Move directly back during the backswing and directly forward during the throwing motion.
- Pick a small part of the target and do not look away. It’s important to move directly towards your precise target point without looking elsewhere and possibly losing focus.
- Don’t neglect your backswing. Your backswing is just as important as your forward throw for accuracy because it will carry through.
- Avoid crossbody throws. Crossbody throws will move the axe in different directions, horizontally and vertically, as your torso twists. This could reduce consistency and accuracy.

- Follow through with your throw. Stopping too early can reduce power or cause the axe to tilt left or right.
- Relax your shoulder and elbow for setup. This will help with consistency and accuracy. If you’re tense before a throw, it can make accurate throws more difficult.
- Prioritize technique over power in your throws. Although hard throws can be accurate, medium-strength can allow for better accuracy.
- Keep it up! Practicing is critical — no one is perfect right away.
- Remember to breathe! Take a deep breath before each throw to help establish consistent breathing.
- Warm-up and take time to adjust to your conditions. Usually, it takes about 20 to 30 throws to warm up.
- Be safe. Ensure that no one is directly behind you before your throw.
- Inspect your axe. Make sure there is no movement in the handle as this can cause the axe to drop from the target.
- Bring friends! They may see something you’re doing wrong that you don’t see yourself.
Now let’s throw some axes!